We work regularly with other agencies involved in the care or safeguarding of children including the
Police, Social Care and local schools.

If you need any advice or have any concerns about a child you are supporting, you can make a referral or contact us.

You may see a child for longer periods of time than their friends and family, so can often be at an advantage when it comes to spotting the signs of exploitation and in a position to act on them quickly.


It is highly recommended that all staff should undergo training around Child Exploitation so that the school are aware of the many forms this abuse can take, signs to look for and to know how best to support a child who is at risk. We can deliver free tailored awareness and education sessions for staff and students – please email [email protected]to find out more about how we can help you with this.


At 15, she was sexually assaulted by an older boy who she regarded as a friend. He was given a community service order rather than a custodial sentence which devastated Kylie as she thought she had not been taken seriously.

Supported By


Our awareness sessions are delivered to schools, families, community groups and professionals. By raising awareness we can help prevent exploitation occurring.

One to One Support

For children or young people who are at risk of being exploited, we give them a dedicated support worker who works with them individually to address their risk factors.

Disruption & Youth Work

Complimenting our support services, our Youth Work team will introduce children and young people to positive activities like sport or music enabling them to socialise in a safe environment and build their resilience to risk.


Some children and young people who have had their risk of exploitation addressed still need further help. Our transition process provides them with life skills, mentoring and a longer period of help as they move back to normal day to day life.


In partnership with the University of Derby, our Education Worker will develop new resources and offer educational sessions with a real focus on hard to reach groups and those with special educational needs or a disability. This will include a greater presence online. By improving understanding at an early stage, we can help keep the most vulnerable children and young people safe.

Family Support

Our independent family support service recognises the impact that exploitation can have on the whole family. This work helps families to understand what has happened to their child, provides them with emotional and practical help and empowers families to work with us to disrupt exploitation whilst ensuring their wider needs are met.


Outreach enables us to engage children and young people who might otherwise struggle to access our services or don't know about the support we can offer. By being visible in the community we can actively raise our profile with children and young people whilst also discouraging potential predators.

Training Professionals

For many years we have been keen to share our experiences and best practice ideas with other professionals working in Childrens Services and related professions


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