I Can I Will



Organisations are working together across Derby and Derbyshire to prevent and reduce serious violence – this includes some of the most serious types of crime, such as knife crime, possession of weapons, and serious injuries and death caused by acts of violence.

Serious violence destroys lives and has a devastating impact on families and communities.

Our hope is that Derby and Derbyshire are places where people can live, work and visit without the fear or experience of serious violence, and we want to help you make our area safer.

Safe and Sound are delivering a free bystander training programme to schools in Derby and Derbyshire.

Bystander Training

Our Bystander programme I Can, I Will aims to help young people to be active bystanders. It will enable young people to:

  • Challenge and ask questions of themselves and their friends and be able to decide how they can help and support each other.
  • Understand who serious violence affects and the consequences for themselves, victims, friends, families, and the offenders.
  • Who they can turn to for help.

Our workshops encourage discussion and participation and provide the opportunity to ask questions without judgement.


What is a Bystander?

A bystander is a person who is there when something happens and who sees it but does nothing about it. An active bystander means knowing when someone’s behaviour is not okay or scary and doing something.

Who can be a Bystander?

All of us. We will be a bystander sometime in our lives but we can:

The Bystander Programme helps you learn to take control to make your school and the places you live be a safer place. Our workshops don’t judge and are a safe place to talk about it.

How will your school benefit?

The Bystander Programme aligns with schools’ goals of providing a safe, supportive, and respectful environment for everyone, while equipping young people with valuable life skills that extend beyond the classroom into the community

The Aims of I Can I Will:

To reduce bullying and violent incidents, as you and other young people do more to intervene and report such behaviour.
• To inspire a more positive and respectful school and community environment, leading to better well-being and engagement in learning.
• To enable young people to have the power to speak up against inappropriate behaviour, and actively be part of changing what people say and do.

The I Can, I Will workshops are supported by a full school package including:

Materials to be shared with staff about the programme, helping them to support and act on any disclosures.

• An awareness letter for parents and carers explaining about the programme, including information about how to support their child and report any concerns.
• Printable Posters and leaflets to build awareness among children at the school.
• Advice to set up a school email for reporting concerns and sharing information and advice.
• A Cover for a I Can, I Will box that young people can use to share worries, concerns, or information.

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