
We provide awareness in schools, community settings and with professionals.

Below are areas we cover but we can provide training bespoke to an organisation too.

 Contact  [email protected] for further details and costs

Training for Professionals and Communities

 Click the links below for more information: 

A practical approach to safeguarding for charities↓

A two-hour workshop

By the end of the workshop, you should be familiar with:

  • Definitions and explanations
  • Recognising official categories of children and adults at risk of abuse
  • Outlining possible signs and indicators of abuse
  • Safeguarding within charities
  • Safer recruitment
  • Policies and processes
  • Governance’s role in safeguarding

Governance for organisational trustees and governors↓

One hour workshop

By the end of the workshop, you should be familiar with:

  • Safeguarding within charities
  • Definitions and explanations
  • Safer recruitment
  • Policies and processes
  • Governance role in safeguarding

A practical approach to place based risk/contextual safeguarding↓

One hour workshop

By the end of the workshop, you should be familiar with:

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Impact on strategies, communities and young people

Introduction to Child Criminal Exploitation (CRE)↓

One – three hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, attendees will have a better understanding of CRE

  • Define Exploitation 
  • What Child Sexual Exploitation is
  • What Child Criminal Exploitation – County Lines
  • Will be able to Identify grooming Indicators
  • Understand Vulnerabilities  
  • Who can be perpetrators of exploitation
  • Who is at risk
  • Spot Indicators of exploitation
  • How to work with Young People

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Voluntary and community groups working with young people
  • Professionals working with young people
  • Parents
  • Residential Homes

This session can be tailored for specific the sessions videos are used to prompt discussion along with a power point presentation. The sessions can be delivered face to face and virtual.

Online Safety↓

Thirty-minute – one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you should be familiar with:

  • Emerging apps and technologies
  • Risks to young people online
  • Signs of exploitation on- and off-line
  • Advice around keeping Young People safe online
  • Apps and Websites for additional protection and information
  • Advice around online gaming

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Parents
  • Voluntary and Community Groups
  • Agencies working with young people

This session can be tailored for specific groups. In the sessions videos and a power point is used to prompt discussion and encourage questions. The sessions can be delivered face to face and virtual.

Online Safety for Young People – Staff and Volunteer Workshop↓

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you should be familiar with:

  • Emerging apps and technologies
  • Risks to young people online
  • Additional vulnerabilities and risks to Young People with SEND
  • Signs of exploitation on- and off-line
  • Advice around keeping Young People safe online
  • Apps and Websites for additional protection and information
  • Advice around online gaming

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Staff and volunteers working with Young People with SEND

This session can be tailored to fit additional needs and requests for groups. 

These workshops are run in a relatively informal setting, with participants encouraged to join in with group discussions, and opportunities provided to ask questions at all times.


Online Safety for Young People – Parent Workshop↓

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you should be familiar with:

  • Emerging apps and technologies
  • Risks to young people online
  • Additional vulnerabilities and risks to Young People with SEND
  • Signs of exploitation on- and off-line
  • Advice around keeping Young People safe online
  • Apps and Websites for additional protection and information
  • Advice around online gaming

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Parents and caregivers of Young People with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with medium-high cognitive understanding

This session can be tailored to fit additional needs and requests for groups. 

These workshops are run in a relatively informal setting, with participants encouraged to join in with group discussions, and opportunities provided to ask questions at all times.

CRE Parent Workshop – Exploitation and vulnerable young people↓

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you should be familiar with:

  • What CRE is
  • Types of exploitation and risks
  • Additional vulnerabilities and risks to Young People with SEND
  • Signs of exploitation
  • Advice around school and the community
  • Advice around online dangers
  • Specific tools and tips for protecting your young people
  • Apps and Websites for additional protection and information

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Parents and caregivers of Young People with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with medium-high cognitive understanding

This session can be tailored to fit additional needs and requests for groups. 

These workshops are run in a relatively informal setting, with participants encouraged to join in with group discussions, and opportunities provided to ask questions at all times.

CRE Staff Workshop – Exploitation and vulnerable young people↓

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, you should be familiar with:

  • What CRE is
  • Types of exploitation and risks
  • Additional vulnerabilities and risks to Young People with SEND
  • Signs of exploitation
  • Advice around school and the community
  • Advice around online dangers
  • Specific tools and tips for protecting Young People
  • Apps and Websites for additional protection and information

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Staff and volunteers working with Young People with SEND

This session can be tailored to fit additional needs and requests for groups. 

These workshops are run in a relatively informal setting, with participants encouraged to join in with group discussions, and opportunities provided to ask questions at all times.

Feedback from previous training sessions:

Training feedback for safe and sound
Training feedback for safe and sound
Training feedback for safe and sound

Awareness Sessions Offer:

 Click the links below for more information: 

Consent, Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Criminal Exploitation↓

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What is Consent 
  • The Law around Consent
  • What is Grooming
  • What is a Healthy Relationship
  • What is County Lines
  • How it happens 
  • What are the signs

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 11-17

In this session the YP are shown two films related to Sexual exploitation and County lines and they are given the opportunity to discuss the issues, giving the facilitator the opportunity to gage the young people’s understanding

I Can I Will Session↓

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people understand what a bystander is:

  • What is a Bystander
  • Who can be a Bystander
  • The Bystander Effect
  • What is a Passive and Active Bystander
  • Why taking action can make a difference
  • What is Peer on Peer Abuse
  • Keeping Safe and Reporting

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 10 – 13

There are two versions of this session one for year 6 and year 7 

A Powerpoint presentation is used for this session as well as a live activity to stimulate discussion

Sexual Harassment↓

One hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people will understand Sexual Harassment:

  • What is Sexual Harassment
  • What it entails
  • What the effects can be 
  • The law relating to sexual Harassment

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 14 + 

 The workshop starts with a quiz to gage the young people’s level of knowledge and understanding.

We use a short video to aid discussion and understanding


Consent and Healthy Relationships↓

One hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people will understand Consent and what is a Healthy Relationship and Unhealthy Relationship:

  • What is Consent 
  • The Law
  • What is a Healthy Relationship
  • What is a unhealthy Relationship
  • What is acceptable in a Relationship 
  • What is unacceptable in a Relationship
  • Setting Boundaries


Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 14+ 

In this session the young People are shown a video about consent to stimulate discussion and give the facilitator the opportunity to gage the young people’s understanding of consent.

‘Safe Adults’↓

An Interactive Film and Discussion Workshop on Grooming for Young People

One hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What Grooming is
  • Online and In-Person Grooming
  • Signs and Indicators of Grooming
  • ‘The Warning Signs’ and how to spot them
  • How to keep yourself and your friends safe
  • What to do if you are worried about someone or yourself

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Primary school young people aged 9-11

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. Each session provides the film and individual workbooks for each student.

Awareness Sessions Offer (SEND Focus):

 Click the links below for more information: 

‘Safe Adults’↓

An Interactive Film and Discussion Workshop on Grooming for Young People

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What Grooming is
  • Online and In-Person Grooming
  • Signs and Indicators of Grooming
  • ‘The Warning Signs’ and how to spot them
  • How to keep yourself and your friends safe
  • What to do if you are worried about someone or yourself


Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 11-14
  • Young people with SEND with medium-high cognitive understanding
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. Each session provides the film and individual workbooks for each student.

For students with difficulties with writing and reading, this can be led as a discussion-only session

Grooming Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What Grooming is
  • Online and In-Person Grooming
  • Signs and Indicators of Grooming
  • ‘The Warning Signs’ and how to spot them
  • How to keep yourself and your friends safe
  • What to do if you are worried about someone or yourself

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 8+
  • Young people with SEND with medium-high cognitive understanding
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.

Online Safety Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A 30 minute to one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What dangers there are online
  • Online Grooming and its signs
  • Body Image problems caused by the internet
  • Inappropriate behaviour online
  • Building safe profiles online
  • Gaming safely
  • How to keep yourself and your friends safe
  • What to do if you are worried about someone or yourself

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 6+
  • Young people with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.

Community Safety Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A 30 minute to one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What dangers there are in the real world
  • Grooming and its signs
  • Safety Plans and planning for emergencies
  • What to do in real-world emergencies
  • Tips and Tools for staying safe in the future
  • How to look out for your friends
  • What to do if you are worried about someone or yourself

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 6+
  • Young people with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.


County Lines/CCE Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What CCE is
  • What ‘County Lines’ means
  • What Criminal Grooming is
  • Warning signs and how to spot them
  • How Gangs use and control Young People
  • Exploitation and its different forms
  • How to keep yourself and your friends safe
  • What to do if you are worried about someone or yourself

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 12+
  • Young people with SEND with medium-high cognitive understanding
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.

Body Positivity and Sense of Self Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A 30 minute to one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • Body image issues caused by social media
  • Photoshopping and FOMO
  • Self-esteem and how it can be impacted by many different factors
  • Healthy and unhealthy ways to build your self-esteem
  • Building a positive self-image through self-belief
  • Identity and what it is
  • How to develop your own sense of identity
  • Defining yourself on- and off-line

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 12+
  • Young people with SEND with medium-high cognitive understanding
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.

Boundaries Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A 30 minute to one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What physical boundaries are
  • What emotional boundaries are
  • Strong and weak boundaries
  • Why boundaries are important in healthy relationships
  • How to respect boundaries
  • How to set boundaries firmly and respectfully
  • Practicing setting boundaries
  • Recognising boundaries from others

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 6+
  • Young people with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.

Healthy Relationships Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A 30 minute to one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What relationships can look like
  • How to define relationships
  • What healthy relationships should look like
  • What to expect from relationships
  • How to set and respect boundaries in relationships
  • How to identify unhealthy factors in relationships
  • What to do in a relationship that is unhealthy
  • Appropriate behaviour in different relationships
  • How to rely on and support others in practicing healthy relationships

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 8+
  • Young people with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.

Consent Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A 30 minute to one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What consent is
  • Where consent can be applied
  • Consent and boundaries
  • Strong and weak boundaries
  • Why consent is important
  • How to set boundaries firmly and respectfully
  • How to respect boundaries
  • Recognising boundaries from others
  • What to do if someone doesn’t respect your boundaries

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 12+
  • Young people with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.


Sexual Identity Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A 30 minute to one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What identity means
  • How identity differs for each person
  • What sexual identity means
  • How to define sexual identity
  • How different people define their own sexual identity
  • Different sexual identities
  • Why sexual identity can be complicated and confusing
  • Acknowledging other’s sexual identity
  • Understanding and exploring your own sexual identity safely

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 10+
  • Young people with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.

Gender Identity Awareness Session↓

Discussion Based Workshop for Young People

A 30 minute to one hour workshop

Aims of the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, young people should be familiar with:

  • What identity means
  • How identity differs for each person
  • What gender identity means
  • How to define gender identity
  • The difference between gender and sex
  • How different people define their own gender identity
  • Different gender identities
  • Why gender identity can be complicated and confusing
  • Acknowledging others gender identity
  • Understanding and exploring your own gender identity safely

Who this workshop is suitable for:

  • Young people aged 12+
  • Young people with SEND
  • Young people with SEND with severe vulnerabilities
  • Young people who are deaf/HOH 

This session can be tailored to fit the needs of each class. 

These workshops are run in an informal setting, with students encouraged to sit and join in with group discussion, using visual cues and prompts on a presentation for additional understanding, and opportunities to ask questions at all times.

Our Sessions Are Supported By:

Supported By


Our awareness sessions are delivered to schools, families, community groups and professionals. By raising awareness we can help prevent exploitation occurring.

One to One Support

For children or young people who are at risk of being exploited, we give them a dedicated support worker who works with them individually to address their risk factors.

Disruption & Youth Work

Complimenting our support services, our Youth Work team will introduce children and young people to positive activities like sport or music enabling them to socialise in a safe environment and build their resilience to risk.


Some children and young people who have had their risk of exploitation addressed still need further help. Our transition process provides them with life skills, mentoring and a longer period of help as they move back to normal day to day life.


In partnership with the University of Derby, our Education Worker will develop new resources and offer educational sessions with a real focus on hard to reach groups and those with special educational needs or a disability. This will include a greater presence online. By improving understanding at an early stage, we can help keep the most vulnerable children and young people safe.

Family Support

Our independent family support service recognises the impact that exploitation can have on the whole family. This work helps families to understand what has happened to their child, provides them with emotional and practical help and empowers families to work with us to disrupt exploitation whilst ensuring their wider needs are met.


Outreach enables us to engage children and young people who might otherwise struggle to access our services or don't know about the support we can offer. By being visible in the community we can actively raise our profile with children and young people whilst also discouraging potential predators.

Training Professionals

For many years we have been keen to share our experiences and best practice ideas with other professionals working in Childrens Services and related professions


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