Safe Derby – Training

A number of organisations are supporting the Safe Derby programme across the city in schools and communities.

“I can, I will”

I can, I will” is a schools workshop for children and young people aged 10-14. It highlights the impact of peer-on-peer abuse and empowers young people to speak out if they seeing something wrong. The ‘I Can I Will’ workshop has been developed by specialist child exploitation charity Safe and Sound who are a key partner in the Safe Derby campaign alongside Derby City Council, and Derby Community Action. The work around being an active bystander – speaking up and safely intervening in a situation which you know is wrong – is particularly empowering to show children that they do have a voice. Year six pupils have found talking about these important issues in the safe and familiar primary school setting important before they move onto their senior school. For more information contact Safe and Sound Charity [email protected].uk


Active Bystander training

Active Bystander training is run by Central Education and Training in Charnwood Street as part of the city-wide campaign Safe Derby. Tazim Fayaz is the manager at Central Education and Training in Charnwood Street which supports women back into education and work.  She also runs the United Sisters group to empower women to have a voice about their own experiences and concerns and to be positive members of their community. Active Bystanders are empowered to speak up, safely intervene or seek help in situations that they witness such as bullying, sexual harassment or hate crime. For more  information please contact Tazim through  [email protected]



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