Business Awards 2022 – 20th Anniversary Celebrations

 As part of our Birthday Celebrations, we will be recognising the businesses that have supported us as part of our milestone year.


There will be an award to recognise one of our supporters that has helped us to achieve the organisations vision and mission. The winner will be chosen by a group of our young people. We will also be presenting an award to one of our young people and a staff member. Businesses who have support us this year include:

    Wathalls are a local funeral company. They have supported Safe and Sound for approximately four years:

    • Having Safe and Sound as the beneficiary of their annual Christmas carol service raising much needed funds in 2019
    • Their owner Helen Wathall completed the five parks cycle fundraiser individually raising over a thousand pounds in 2020.
    • Providing bereavement counselling for any young people supported by safe and Sound over the past two years
    • Recycling their IT computers and laptops to Safe and Sound for children and young people in 2022
    • Providing bereavement training for safe and Sound staff in 2022
    • Sponsoring a month of our anniversary year in 2022 Supported our race nights in 2020 and 2022
    Colleague Box - Safe & Sounder Supporter, Derby, Derbyshire

    Colleague Box- a new company set up in Covid to share boxes and support companies and people with positive boxes.

    • Named us as their charity in 2020 and raised over £5K from their Christmas campaign
    • Helped develop the Hope box at cost to them enabling every young person we support to have some great positive memories
    • Contributed to the cost of purchasing our Safe and Sound minibus
    • Sponsored our world record event for the number of butterflies
    • Supported our race night in 2022
    Dains Accountants - Safe & Sound Supporters

     Dains a local accountancy company

    They have

    • Provided annual accounts free of charge for over ten years saving the charity thousands of pounds
    • Held Safe and Sound as their charity of the year in 2019 raising significant funds for the charity
    • Provided a team and raised funds for Safe and Sound through their abseil in 2020
    • Raised funds through their staff completing a sponsored cycle event in 2021
    • Supported our race night in 2022
    Loates HR Consultancy - Safe & Sound Supporter, Derby, Derbyshire

    Sarah Loates HR services a local HR company

    They have

    • Provided free HR advice and support free of charge or three years saving Safe and Sound significant costs
    • Provided one to one support to the leadership team
    • Proved free training to staff in HR and Mental health first aid#
    • Shared facilities and room to safe and Sound for meetings and interviews
    • Supported Safe and Sound events including their race night in 2022
    Anniversary Champion – June 2022 – Derby Daybreak Rotary Club

    Rotarians in Derby – these include Derby, daybreak and Satellite groups

    The groups collectively have

    • Raised funds through their own events: quiz , race night etc from 2019 to present
    • Named us as the recipient of the Santa sleigh in 2020 raising significant funds
    • Sponsored a month of our anniversary year in 2022
    • Supported our race nights in 2020 and 2022
    • Supported our race night in 2022
    • Ran the car park collection for the Darley abbey concert at very short notice
    • Worked in partnership developing our allotment

    Cosy a local company who make educational products for schools

    They have

    • Supported our race night
    • Purchased hope boxes for young people
    • Supported our Christmas campaign events at the mills, the Santa ride and cookbooks
    • Sponsored a month of our anniversary year in 2022
    • Offered work experience to our young people


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