WHAT WE DID IN 2023/24

Our Impact in Numbers

We have Supported 385 Children and Young People through individual one to one Case Work.

Safe and Sound received 78 Referrals for Support with 61 progressing further.

156 Awareness Sessions delivered in Schools that reached a massive 3007 Children.

Our Impact

Over the past 20 years Safe & Sound has been on the ground supporting local children and young people – here are a few highlights of our work in 2023/24.

Safe and Sound have had a year of significant grown and made a huge difference to the lives of those affected by exploitation in Derby and
Derbyshire. This has been achieved by an outstanding team in collaboration with other partner organisations. Our work embeds the contextual safeguarding place-based risk approach.

2023/24 Highlights

  • Between April 2023 and March 2024, Safe and Sound supported 385 children and young people through individual one to one case work.
  • Our work with young people is preventative or assessed as low or medium risk of exploitation. We have also supported 50 families during this year.
  • 42% of our caseload have SEND or are awaiting assessment for their additional needs.
  • Of those who gave ethnicity information, 34% of all cases did not identify as WhiteBritish.
  • 35% of our caseload are boys and young men; 63% are female, and 2% identify as trans or non-binary.
  • 48% of the young people we work with are affected by child sexual exploitation.
  • 40% are affected primarily by child criminal exploitation. 12% of our cases are affected by both criminal and sexual exploitation.
  • Our work with hard to reach communities has increased, with 6% of our caseload identifying as Roma/Slovak.
  • We have increased our work in the county and 45 of our one-to-one cases arebased in Derbyshire, Buxton and the High Peak. Our one-to-one support is continually assessed.
  • Reporting shows that 100% of young people and their caseworkers feel they have significantly (by at least 50%) reduced their vulnerability to exploitation between their opening and closing NEAT evaluations.