Butterfly House


Welcome to Butterfly House

Butterfly House is virtual house with 5 rooms, each designated to a specific audience. It is a safe place for young persons and parents & carers. Each room is designed to be a calming space for those who enter. Resources can be found in each of the rooms. You can enter Butterfly House using the link below. This is an interactive virtual house, use your mouse to scroll around and enter the rooms where you will find a wealth of resources. You can also explore our full resource bank using the link at the bottom of the page.

Once you enter each room, keep an eye out for the following symbols as they unlock a range of activities and resources:



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Once you’ve entered Butterfly House you are free to explore the rooms we have made available. This is the starting point for you to discover the wealth of resources that have been separated for you based on your individual need. A space to chill out, a space for Parents or Carers. Explore Butterfly House anytime.

Young Persons Room

Here you will be able to explore videos and blogs to help you understand more about keeping safe online, to have positive relationships and what to do if things aren’t right. Here you’ll find links to Understanding Self Harm, Internet Safety, Overcoming Trauma and links to The Trevor Project, the worlds largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organisation for LGBTQ young people.

Parent/Carers Room

Our family room is a space for parents and carers to be able to explore our resources. Inside you’ll find advice and support if you are a parent, a carer or anyone that is supporting a young person. In this room we’ve included online education safety packs, self harm support resources and activity cards covering county lines, healthy relationship and consent. 

Chill-Out Room

We want to provide a space where you can access the support and help that you may need. In the chill-out room you can discover relaxing music from the Safe and Sound playlist, chill activities and fun. This room includes resources like our Spotify playlist, Calm activities, Yoga for Kids, meditation music and calm exercises.

Locked Room

A room specifically for our case-workers, Here you can interact with our team, reach out and discuss with them when you need advice or support. Our team are here to help.


Find an vast selection of resources for young people, parents & carers and teachers & professionals. They include all sorts of activities, books and documentaion to help anyone in need.