A former soldier is returning to the boxing ring to raise money for Safe and Sound, Derbyshire’s specialist charity that supports young people and their families whose lives are affected by child exploitation. Harry Sloman (22) from Melbourne now works in construction after serving in the Mercian Regiment. He will be taking part in an Ultra White Collar Boxing event on November 25 at Arleston Hall in Derby and is asking family and friends to sponsor him in his endeavours.

Harry explained: “I first took up boxing when I was a teenager because I was being bullied at school. It gave me the self-confidence and self-esteem that I needed to get me out of a black hole and I have since taken part in six white collar boxing events – winning all of my bouts.

“I am really looking forward to the training and then the event itself and I hope to raise a decent amount of money for Safe and Sound.

“The scale of grooming and child exploitation – especially in our local communities – really resonated with me because of how vulnerable I felt when I was younger. “Feeling confident and in control of your life is so important to a young person’s wellbeing and safety so I felt this was the perfect way to raise money for Safe and Sound.”

Safe and Sound CEO Tracy Harrison added: “We are very grateful that Harry has chosen to raise money for us in this way. “Boxing is a key part of our positive activities programme for both young boys and girls to help build their confidence and resilience which are crucial to them moving forward with their lives.”

To support Harry Sloman, please visit his Just Giving page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/harry-sloman?utm_source=copyLink&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=harry-sloman&utm_campaign=pfp-share&utm_term=ef18d6b4ccda46cc8e1d689f45413122

For more information about Safe and Sound and how to support they do in local communities, visit https://www.safeandsoundgroup.org.uk